We see one person at a time. We listen to you. We believe the best dentistry is to bring your teeth and mouth to a condition where you do not need us: we help you prevent gum disease, cavities, fillings, crowns, root canals, extractions, implants & braces. We use methods & materials aimed to benefit the whole person: biological, holistic, health-centered, functional, neuromuscular, minimally invasive, biomimetic, integrated, loving & respectful care.
Biological Dentistry: dentistry consistent with biology–how teeth and the body work on a cellular level. When dentists work on a tooth, we want to leave the tooth and the whole body better off–more alive, better able to function.
Biocompatible Dentistry: using materials that are compatible with the biology of the person we treat, to uplift and do no harm.
Holistic Dentistry: to treat teeth so as to benefit the whole person.
When I obtained my degree in biochemistry at UCLA, we were taught that mercury disrupts every enzyme in the body and is toxic, especially to the nervous system. To use mercury in the mouth as part of a restorative material, therefore, is incompatible with biology (how life works) and does not benefit the whole person, in my opinion.
Functional Dentistry: Treating teeth so they can function well, on their own as well as with the rest of the mouth and body. Cosmetic dentistry, for instance, is stable when it works well with the whole mouth. Posterior teeth must support and protect anterior teeth for the mouth to function well. Braces should put teeth where they function well, not just look cosmetically ideal the day they are removed.
Neuromuscular Dentistry: the jaw joint (TMJ), chewing muscles and bite relationship (occlusion) must work in harmony to prevent problems. Neuromuscular dental procedures are used to promote or regain this crucial harmony.
Minimally Invasive Dentistry: getting the best result while doing the least harm. For instance, to crown or cap a tooth, a dentist must often cut down and weaken the part of the tooth that is still alive and healthy to put on something fake (a crown or cap), while beautiful effective alternatives exist that avoid such harm.
Biomimetic Dentistry: procedures that mimic life. Today conscientious meticulous dentists can use advanced materials and minimally invasive procedures to restore damaged teeth to an optimal strength, function and appearance that almost mimics life. Some call this Natural Dentistry.
Preventive Dentistry: my favorite, today methods and materials exist that can help healthy people prevent the need for almost all fillings, crowns, root canals, extractions, implants or dentures. In children, we can prevent the need for most braces by helping grow their faces to make room for their permanent teeth. In adults, dentists can address the major risk factors that create inflammation and infection in the body, and thereby prevent chronic diseases including heart attack and stroke.
Sleep-related Dentistry: we can save and prolong lives by treating snoring, a partial obstruction of the airway during sleep, and sleep apnea, a complete obstruction of the airway during sleep.
Integrated Dentistry: puts all these health-centered perspectives and types of dentistry together in a harmonious approach to help people.
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